Our Learners’ activities


Adventures in Movie Making

In partnership with CoLab Exeter and Apple (Princesshay) as part of the Urban Learning Academy. Our adult learners explored how to frame, shoot and edit short films on iPads and using iMovie.

Picture This - Camera vs. Phone Photography

An exhibition in the Atrium at CoLab Exeter showing photography by clients of CoLab & the Urban Learning Academy. With thanks to Apple Princesshay for their expertise and use of equipment.

All of the photos are representations of different aspects of the Exeter community and city life - including Exeter’s wildlife. Each participant was given the brief to capture images that spoke to them but also played with light and colour.

Banner Making Workshop

At the Positive Lights Project, in partnership with CoLab and the Urban Learning Academy. Using a variety of printing and other techniques, our adult learners created a series of hand pulled screen printed Banners.